HRMS Cologne 2021
29 August - 3 September 2021, Online Conference
HRMS Cologne 2021
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The 27 th Colloquium on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (HRMS) was initially planned on-site. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event will be held for the first time as an online conference to fulfill the regulations of the government and to facilitate safe exchange of scientific information.
There will be 11 invited lectures and 3 mini-symposia. Parallel sessions will feature 54 contributed lectures given by PhD students and postdocs. 4 poster sessions are planned. The scientific fields covered are:
As in previous years, there will be a special issue of the journal "Molecular Physics" published to mark the HRMS 2021 conference and to celebrate the 75th birthday of Dr. Jean-Marie Flaud. All participants of the conference are invited to contribute a paper.
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