Mini-Symposium: Laboratory Astrophysics, Invited Lecture

Recent progress and challenges in analyzing complex astrophysical spectra

P. Schilke1, T. Möller1, Á. Sánchez-Monge1
1I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln

The sensitivity of recent (Herschel/HIFI, ALMA, JVLA) and future (SKA, ngVLA) astrophysical instruments has brought on a plethora of observations of very rich spectra in a variety of object classes:  stellar envelopes, hot cores, hot corinos, but also shocked regions.  Extracting all the information in a timely manner has been a challenge, particularly if one goes from more traditional single spectra to spectral cubes.

We identify the following main challenges:

While the first four points can be dealt with to some degree with new and better modeling approaches (e.g. XCLASS and implementing novel concepts drawn from Machine Learning methods (although they are ultimately limited by the fact that constraining the true 3-d structure from observations will not always be possible), the last point requires more and better molecular catalogue entries, probably also requiring new methods of data acquisition and analysis.